Sunday, February 7, 2016

First Node-RED Practice- Retrofitting a caller ID

"Retrofitting refers to the addition of new technology or features to older systems."

This project aims to add a new capability to an old phone caller ID: connect it to the internet. 

The idea is to push a notification to my smartphone when someone is calling my landline. The essence of this project is to transmit the caller ID to a remote device.

The question is: Why not to simply redirect the calls to a cell phone?  It is just a matter of subscribing to the "follow me" service offered by the carrier. Because this is a fake project. It is just an excuse to learn and practice how to handle the messaging required.

As it seems a rather idiot idea lets name the project accordingly: the caller ID-IOT

Can you picture this situation?  Someone calls your home. You return the call half a minute later saying that you are miles away from home and could not take the call. Most likely the person will react by saying: Don't call me an idiot.

The first step is to name the project (done) and the second one is to brand it. So below logo seems to fit well.

Finally, in the next post, I will exercise with the several ways to play with messages in Node-RED.  Stay tuned.

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